
As every year at this period, we are delighted to present you some traditional biscuits from our loyal partner Dandoy for St Nicholas. Their crispy Speculoos is a delicious gift for your colleagues and loved ones.

You can order them via our e-shop until 23 November at the latest. Your order must be worth at least €500 incl.VAT and shipping costs are €40 excl. VAT within Belgium.

As soon as we receive the order, we will send you an invoice, which can be paid upon the reception.

You wish to purchase products from each of the brands we offer? Please complete one order from Dandoy or Galler or Let’s Chill Wine and then start another order.

If you have any problems with your purchase, Yolande Elsen can help you at +32 2 655 49 34 or by e-mail yelsen@ufb.be

Thank you for your order and for supporting our mission of social integration!

Enjoy !

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